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Vision and Values

What we want for our young people

Our vision for each Hobsonville Point Learner is one of personal academic excellence; that they will develop as confident, connected, actively involved and life-long learners. This will empower the to live successfully and contribute responsibly to their communities.

The values we encourage, model and explore are:

EXCELLENCE: Setting high standards for myself and others in everything I do.

CONNECTEDNESS: Knowing myself, connecting respectfully with others, engaging with my learning, community and opportunities.

COLLABORATION: Working cooperatively in powerful partnership with and learning from others.

INQUIRY: Questioning, reviewing and reflecting to ensure continuous improvement and problem-solving.

INNOVATION: Taking risks by trying new and different ways of thinking to achieve positive impact.

Learning at Hobsonville Point will be guided by principles of personalised learning through powerful partnership and authentic learning opportunities that demand deep challenge and inquiry.

Hobsonville Habits

Mana Motuhake /High Expectations

WE BELIEVE THAT personal excellence is required for academic excellence to be achieved. We have developed a set of 'Hobsonville Habits' which we use explicitly to help students develop deeper thinking and effective habits. These are positive attributes and dispositions that are essential for lifelong learning and success.

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